Insomnia is the inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness...
Now I can sleep, don't get me wrong. I just can't seem to sleep at the appropriate time. I come from a family of late sleepers. Our family parties last well into the AM, especially family birthdays. While cake usually marks the near end of festivities; we don't have cake until about 1 AM.
When I do sleep, I can sleep for hours. Ask anyone who knows me. You can even ask the kids that sat next to me in class during high school. I fall asleep all the time. But when it's time for bed, I couldn't be more awake. I have tried to go to sleep at a decent hour but my body seems to think I'm taking a nap and two, three hours later I'm up like it's nobody's business.
I have had a lot of time off recently so my late sleeping habits have only gotten later to the point where I might as well be a night watchman. Large amounts of that time is spent doing online searches: jobs, news, entertainment, miscellaneous answers to miscellaneous questions, Facebook. It also doesn't help that the two cousins I am closest too are also incredibly late sleepers and we will chat until one of us finally gets tired. This greatly affects my daytime activities. This past long weekend, I spent two days napping despite waking up at 1 pm.
This frustrating phenomena is happening at this very moment. I fell asleep reading around midnight only to wake not even two hours later. While I lay awake, I hear my gchat alert sound and just couldn't resist responding. Now it is 4 AM and I am trying to make myself sleepy by writing this latest post, hoping grammar and spelling will cause some sleepiness. So far, it has only made me realize what a poor writer I am at 4 AM in the morning.
My eyes are tired, my brain is tired, but my body feels like dancing...but I do not want to see the sunrise so I will now attempt another try at this sleep on demand. Wish me luck.