Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"What's in my Fridge?" (a series)

This is the first of a new series I've decided to start. "What's in my Fridge?" is sort of a recipe log of dishes I've made out of the items left in my refrigerator. Most of these dishes will be similar, considering my tastes run closer to the blandness of Taiwanese cuisine mixed with the saltiness of American style cooking. Tonight's dish veered away from my usual fair of soy sauced laced dishes. It shall be named Chicken in Wine on Noodle.

Chicken in Wine on Noodle

Chicken cutlet cut into quarters and sliced thin (1 can make 2 servings depending on your mass and daily food intake)
Spinach (a handful of leaf spinach will do, or 2/3 of a bag)
Green Peas (to each their own)
Eggs (2)
Vegetable oil (about 2 table spoons)
White Wine (about 3 table spoons)
Salt (2 quick wrist flicks of your salt cylinder)
Pepper (4 quick dashes)

Heat your wok or large pan and pour in your oil. Since you are cooking chicken, it's best to have it at a mid heat. Throw your chicken in and spread around evenly in the wok. Immediately pour in the wine, stir about and let the chicken simmer.

As the chicken simmers, turn over at an even pace. After one minute of simmer, add in your pepper. I said four dashes, but it's really enough to cover all the chicken you have. Once the pepper has been added, do another few turns of the chicken.

Get your bundle of spinach that you've washed and let sit to dry and add in the first half and stir about. Once that handful starts to whither, add the rest and stir in. As it all begins to stir together, add the salt.

Keep turning the chicken and stirring the spinach, as it all starts to come together add in the green peas and keep stirring.

Mix your two eggs in a bowl. Turn your heat to a lower temperature. Pour the eggs over the entire portion in your pan. Mix slowly and let the eggs marinate over the chicken and spinach. Turn off the heat and continue to toss and stir.

Now you may notice that noodles are included in the title. It is what I chose to use as my compliment as opposed to rice. I cooked a pot of noodles with a dash of salt and also fish balls.

Once both are completed, you take the chicken and veggies and put over the noodles and fish balls. The end. Now eat!