What qualifies someone to be Azn? Well first of all, in order to be considered part of any group is the style of your dress. We have our hipster, preps, punk rockers, goths, douchebags, etc.
Azns are super trendy. They have (successfully?) combined all the stereotypical popular images of asians and mixed them with other popular looks.
- Anime Hair
- Brand name clothes
- Drives a Honda
- Drives a suped up Honda with the word "Civic" across the back windshield
- Saggy Skinny jeans (it used to be wide leg/baggy when jnco was big, remember jnco?)
- Any extras from Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift ( I know it's set in Japan but it was shot in LA and LA is full of AZNs)
- Only eats out in Ramen or Sushi places
- Dress similar enough to everyone he/she hangs out with
Well these two girls weren't completely Azn, but they seemed to be dressed alike so I can imagine them as the Azn girlfriend. I have never dressed like my friends on a normal day.. Or maybe I have never been friends with people that looked enough like me to have it seem that way. I recently had an experience when my roommate and I came out of our rooms dressed in the same colors of Red and Black. But I highly doubt I look anything like a tall black girl.
Azn appeal aside, the most humorous thing about these two girls, for me, was that they had mirror image hairdo's. The were doing the hair-down-with-one-bobby-pulling-back-the-front-lock hairstyle. I say mirror because they were sitting across from each other and they had their respective bobby pins on opposite sides so that it looked like a mirror image. They even did a mime routine with each other.
OK, they did not, but it would have validated this entire entry...
OK, they did not, but it would have validated this entire entry...