Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jury Doodles...Part 1

Doodles from the jury box brought to you by

Kidney #1

Surgical Aftermath (not to scale)

If you ever want to donate a kidney, this may (or not) give you an idea of what will be done 
(head to the right)

No, it's not an old woman. It's the defense lawyer.

The only drawable object in the room

A very still expert witness

Jury Duty...

I just officially finished my first (and hopefully only) time serving jury duty. It's been two weeks of misery...just plain legal jargon filled misery. Since I was prohibited to speak or express any information or personal sentiment over the case while in trial, I can now spew all the thoughts or information I want. So over the course of the next week or so I'll be posting up the fun sketches I did while trying to stay awake.