Friday, April 22, 2011

Heard in the Office:

"No diarrhea allowed today!"

"There are things only a straight man can do..."

"I'm giving you a massage and you want to make small talk?"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spotted on the Street - Man with Claw Arm

Fun Fact: It stayed on with straps going over his other shoulder. In the movies the wooden forearm just attaches. Learn something new everyday.

Another fun fact: He was wearing a rainbow sock on his arm to avoid chafing.

First movie reference that popped into my head: The Fugitive. Most people at this time would say 127 Hours, but I actually never got to see that movie and The Fugitive's villain was actually referred to as "The One Armed Man". 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A look inside the workings of Lexicon and how they coin those billion dollar names.

Article reposted from, originally published at